Aquarium Antics
Day 2 of my pseudo-holiday led me to the Blue Planet Aquarium, near Chester. Now since I was at an aquarium, you may be expecting pictures of fish. A perfectly reasonable assumption, but you would be dead wrong. It turns out that taking pictures of fish is actually quite difficult to do. The flash reflects off the glass and water, and the little buggers wont stay still. Fortunately there were also bugs* and amphibians to snap.
*Technically speaking, none of the above are bugs. A 'bug' is actualy an insect with sucking mouth-parts. This is one of those little facts that you can quote verbatim in order to appear smarter than you actualy are. I know I do.
One more blog-worthy event occured today, and that is an encounter with a surley swan. No doubt its ill temper was due to the beetle that was crawling around on its beak.