Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z!
In my new job I just don't get the exercise I used to. Sure I can do a little resistance training at home so I don't look too out of shape, but you have to do a little cardio if you want to stay young and pretty for as long as possible. So I decided to resurrect a hobby of mine from my youth and bought a bicycle from a local shop in Chester. It really is true what they say; you never forget how to ride a bike - although my legs did seem to have forgotten they were strong. So I have spent the last 2 weekends cycling about Chester in glorious weather, and enjoyed it immensely.
Even though it had been raining most of the day I set out to find a route down to the river Dee, which is a stones throw away from my flat. On the way there I am free-wheeling down a fairly steep hill and even though it had started to rain I'm feeling pretty good. Nearing the bottom of the hill it occurs to me that I'm travelling a little too fast, so - naturally - I apply the brakes. At the same time I notice that I'm drifting towards the kerb and I compensate by turning the handle bars in the opposite direction, but I must have over compensated because now Im heading in to the road, so again I try to compensate. This little wobble, combined with braking on a slippy wet road at speed led to a situation where the bike slowed down but I didn't. So I find myself leaving the bike and completely at the mercy of the laws of physics. Fortunately my cat like reflexes saved me and I managed to hit the pavement (sidewalk if you are American) and roll to safety. Only my right hand sustained an injury. I don't think anyone saw the fall, it was a quiet road, but a local did stop his car to say "y'aright?" - they say that a lot in Chester. I suppressed my natural instinct for inappropriate sarcasm and replied in the affirmative.