May 7, 2007 will

3D Lissajous in PyGame

Okay, I would be the first to admit that I am getting carried away with these little PyGame experiments. This one renders 3D lissajous figures, which are kind of like a 3D spirograph drawings. It's the first time I have use Game Objects in anything other than a test, and is a good example of simple Vector and Matrix math. Enjoy!

Download Spiro lissajous3d
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Boy, that Wikipedia entry sure sucks the life out of the concept. But that's not the point.

Take a scope; apply a stereo's left channel to channel A of the scope; the stereo's right channel to scope channel B. Play something funky, and enjoy.

You could probably get something like that in software, too, assuming you can tap into the L/R channel of your MP3 player.

About a zillion years ago, I'd buy old TVs and retask them as Lissy displays. Sold a few at flea markets. Never found anything like it in today's "visualization" libraries.