Swim Fugu, Swim
I have written a demonstration of a simple path-finding algorithm (in Python), for use in grid-based computer games. It used a breadth-first search to route a sprite from one part of a map to another, avoiding obstacles in between. The code is a listing taken from my forthcoming book, Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame. There's no documentation I'm afraid. If you want to know how it works, you will have to buy the book. :-)
To run it, you will need PyGame, and of course Python. The code is completely public domain, use it for whatever purpose you want and you don't owe me a penny. Here be a screenshot...

Amazon is saying August for publishing. Any chance it'll be out earlier?
Sorry, it's unlikely to be out any earlier!
Excellent. I can't wait to get a hold of this book, although it will be little new to me, I want something to recommend to my friends and the newcomers to #python @ freenode who are always asking for good books. Good luck!
Looks like a neat book. I might be able to make my computer science teacher get a copy or two, and we can use them for our after-school programming stuff. I'm not too great on teaching this stuff.
I cant wait to buy the book! :D