Screencast Posts

2 posts tagged with screencast

This screencast demonstrates how to build a database driven, Markdown powered wiki from scratch in around 25 lines of code. Lines of code is of course a poor metric, but I think the end result of part 1 (more planned) packs quite a lot of functionality for what is very simple and readable code. I'll be building on this code in future screencasts, to create something which is more feature complete.

I found creating this to be a challenge; thinking, typing and talking is about 50% more things than I can do at once! Hopefully I'll master it as I go.

For more information on Moya, please see

In past blogs I've hinted on the fact that I'm working on a Javascript application in my spare time. It's not quite done yet, and wont be live for a few more weeks, but I do have something that I can show off.

This project is best explained in the form of a screencast. This is the first screencast I have ever made and I'm not sure if I have done it right, or if my humble server will cope with serving FLV files. If the server doesn't manage to keep up, I'll probably Youtube it.

Update: If for any reason the above player doesn't work, you can view the screencast on Youtube. continue reading…