
Personal Blog

Originally, this blog was a place to post things of interest to friends and family. Nowadays we have Facebook for that kind of thing.

Maybe one day I'll start posting here again.

Background: Mt Sibayak, Sumatra

The Triops have started on solid food. They seemed un-interested in the food at first, but once the pellets swelled up with water the little darlings had a nibble. The instruction booklet says that after a week you can feed them tiny pieces of carrots and fish. I had some Australian Snapper fillets in the fridge for my dinner, so I snipped of a little piece and chopped it in to Triop sized morsels. Ive never tried snapper before, but it must be delicious - judging by the macabre feeding frenzy that ensued. Mental note: be careful about getting fingers in the water when they get a little bigger. Triops don't want to be fed, they want to hunt. Can't just suppress 65 million years of gut instinct!

Update: The snapper was indeed delicious.

My triops hatched today. I am now the proud father of four tiny crustaceans, and there are more on the way. They are barely visible - just little white specs, but I can make out a pair of swimmerets.

Apparently they double in size every day. They are about a millimeter in length at the moment, so by this time tomorrow they will be 2 millimeters long. They live about 60 days, so eventualy they will be 2 to the power of 60 millitmeters in length. Let's see... thats 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 millimeters, 1,152,921,504,606,846 meters or 1,152,921,504,606 kilometers (*). Oh. My. God. We're gonna need a bigger boat.

* For Americans, that's 716,392,209,599 miles

My sister sent me this (hi Jen), it is a lesson in not taking computers literally. According to Google, if you want to go from New York to Edinburgh you must swim across the Atlantic ocean. Nice going egg-heads!

It must have been a slow news day in Chester yesterday. Front page on the Chester Chronicle is an article about a painting of Adam and Even hanging in the Cathedral. Apparently some locals were grossly offended at the sight of Eve's buttocks and breast. I'm tempted to get all militant atheist here, but I know its just a handful of stuffy prudes. Personally I think Eve looks quite good, and no cellulite in sight! Judge for yourself...

I spent most of 2006 working on Motorstorm, one of the first ever PS3 games. Work gave me a free copy of the recently released Japanese version. If only I had a PS3 to play it on!

Congratulations to my colleagues at Evolution Studios for all their hard work.

Today I played chess with my good friend Will. I had fun but after a dozen draws I got bored. It turns out we are quite evenly matched.

In my new job I just don't get the exercise I used to. Sure I can do a little resistance training at home so I don't look too out of shape, but you have to do a little cardio if you want to stay young and pretty for as long as possible. So I decided to resurrect a hobby of mine from my youth and bought a bicycle from a local shop in Chester. It really is true what they say; you never forget how to ride a bike - although my legs did seem to have forgotten they were strong. So I have spent the last 2 weekends cycling about Chester in glorious weather, and enjoyed it immensely.

It has come to my attention that there is a woman on the internet demanding that everyone sends her a postcard. She actually expects us to go out of our way to purchase a postcard and a stamp and send them to her. In return for what? Absolutely nothing! The audacity of this woman, the bare faced cheek!

I expect you are as disgusted with all of this as I am, and I urge you to contact this crazy postcard lady and explain to her in no uncertain terms how inappropriate her behaviour really is. Write your grievances on the back of a postcard and mail it to her. With bit of luck we can block her doorway with cards and bring an end to this nonsense once and for all! You can find her address on www.sendmeapostcard.org.

My cousin Mirren got married recently, and I went to her wedding. I'm not going to bore you with details of people you don't know - this is not one of those blogs. If you are interested though, have a look at the pictures on my flickr page.

I love this photo I took - it could almost pass for one of those classic computer graphics images with spheres reflecting spheres, that you would see on the walls of students bedrooms in the 90s. Thank you Sony Cybershot!