Fs Posts

12 posts tagged with fs

I was reading a post by Trey Hunner on why pathlib is great, where he makes the case that pathlib is a better choice than the standard library alternatives that preceded it. I wouldn't actually disagree with a word of it. He's entirely correct. You should probably be using pathlib were it fits.

Personally, however, I rarely use pathlib, because I find that for the most part, PyFilesystem is a better choice. I'd like to take some of the code examples from Trey's post and re-write them using PyFilesystem, just so we can compare.

The first example from Trey's post, creates a folder then moves a file into it. Here it is:

The code above is straightforward, and hides the gory platform details which is a major benefit of pathlib over os.path. continue reading…

I recently added a number of examples on working with files and directories with Python and PyFilesystem.

The first example, is count_py.py which recursively sums up the number of bytes stored in a directory, and renders it in a "friendly" format.

This script takes a path or a URL. For instance python3 count_py.py ~/projects will sum up the bytes of Python in your projects folder.

For me, this gives the following output:

This script accepts a path, but it will also work with any supported filesystem. So you could sum the bytes of Python in an archive or cloud server. continue reading…

I've released PyFilesystem 2.1.0.

This version is the accumulation of many minor revisions, with multiple fixes, enhancements and some interesting new features. We also have nicer doc strings and Mypy compatible typing information, thanks to Martin Larralde.

If you aren't familiar with PyFilesystem, it is a common Python API to filesystems, whether its your hard-drive, archives, memory, FTP servers, or cloud services. The API is easier to use than the standard library, but works just about everywhere. See the Pyfilesystem Wiki for more information. continue reading…

I'd like to announce an new Python module to make working with Amazon S3 files a whole lot easier.

The S3FS class in fs-s3fs wraps an Amazon S3 bucket in a PyFilesystem interface. There was an S3FS class built in to the first version of PyFilesystem, but it had suffered from using an older version of 'boto' (Amazon's S3 interface) and was in need of maintenance. The new version is up-to-date with PyFilesystem2 and boto3, and works with Python2.7 and Python3.X.

If you aren't familiar with PyFilesystem, it is a common interface to anything that resembles a filesystem. Amazon S3 isn't quite a full filesystem, but close enough that it can be made to work in the same way as the files and directories on your local drive (or any other supported filesystem for that matter). continue reading…

I've released version 2.0.4 of PyFilesystem.

PyFilesystem is an abstraction layer for filesystems (or anything that resembles a filesystem). See this post for more details.

This version adds support for Python3.6 os.pathlike to the OSFS class. This is in oft-requested feature, but it only affects the OSFS constructor; since FS methods use a standardized path format.

Also in the version is a contribution by Martin Larralde which implements an elegant extension mechanism. Essentially, if you layout your filesystem implementation according to the convention, then PyFilesystem will be aware of it automatically. So open_fs('awesomefs://foo/bar') would work without explicitly adding awesomefs to the core library. continue reading…

I've just released version 2.0.3 of PyFilesystem.

PyFilesystem is an abstraction layer for filesystems (or anything that resembles a filesystem). See this post for more details.

New in this version is a TarFS filesystem contributed by Martin Larralde, which compliments ZipFS nicely.

Contributed by gpcimino, the copy module was extended new functionality to selectively copy only new files from one filesystem to another. Very useful for backups.

This is in addition to bugfixes, and improved documentation.

I'd like to announce version 2.0.0 of PyFilesystem, which is now available on PyPi.

PyFilesystem is a Python module I started some time in 2008, and since then it has been very much a part of my personal standard library. I've used it in personal and professional projects, as have many other developers and organisations.

If you aren't familiar with PyFilesystem; it's an abstraction layer for filesystems. Essentially anything with files and directories (hard-drive, zip file, ftp server, network filesystems etc.) may be wrapped with a common interface. With it, you can write code that is agnostic as to where the files are physically located.

Here's a quick example that recursively counts the lines of code in a directory: continue reading…

Ben Timby has committed code to PyFilesystem that lets you expose any filesystem over FTP. We've had the ability to serve filesystems over SFTP (secure ftp) and XMLRPC for a while, but plain old FTP was a glaring omission–until now.

You can serve the current directory programatically with something like the following:

The same functionality is also available to the fsserve command. The following is equivalent to the above code, but from the command line:

You'll probably need root privileges (i.e. sudo) on Linux for these examples.

With the server running, you can browse the files on your home directory with an ftp client, or by typing “” in to your browser. Any of the other supported filesystems can be served in the same way. continue reading…

There have been some pretty exciting developments in PyFilesystem since version 0.3 was released – Ryan Kelly and myself have been hard at work, and there have been a number of excellent contributions to the code base from other developers. Version 0.4 will be released some time in January, but I'd like to give you a preview of some new features before the next version lands.

Pyfilesystem is a Python module that provides a simplified common interface to many types of filesystem.

It is now possible to open any of the supported filesystems from a URL in this format, which makes it very easy to specify a filesystem (or individual file) from the command line or a config file. Here's a quick example that opens a bunch of quite different filesystems: continue reading…

I am pleased to announce a new version of PyFilesystem (0.3), which is a Python module that provides a common interface to many kinds of filesystem. Basically it provides a way of working with files and directories that is exactly the same, regardless of how and where the file information is stored. Even if you don't plan on working with anything other than the files and directories on your hard-drive, PyFilesystem can simplify your code and reduce the potential of error.

PyFilesystem is a joint effort by myself and Ryan Kelly, who has created a number of new FS implementations such as Amazon S3 support and Secure FTP, and some pretty cool features such as FUSE support and Django storage integration. continue reading…